Welcome to TaylorOnTour.co.uk
Hello, and welcome to the strange world of Matthew
Upcoming Appearances / News
7/10/05 - Matthew will be making an appearance at Seasons Chinese
Take-away in Lytham.
8/10/05 - Matthew will be at The Kiosk at Fairhaven Lake in the daytime
and will be making a cameo appearance at St Annes Cricket Club in St
Annes in the evening.

Click on the link above to see Taylor views on
certain aspects of life and to ask him a question. |
Got a Taylor
look-a-like? Take a look at the look-a-likes page and let us know if you
have a look-a-like of him that can be featured on the website. |
Taylor in action - Visit the Video section - 5 Classic Taylor Videos,
now up! |
Can't get to a Taylor appearance? You can
contact Matthew Taylor via Email. Simply click the
Contact Taylor link on the left. |