One upon a time there was a boy
called Matty Taylor. It all started in year 8 when he fell into a crowd
containing local madman Adam Errington

The crowd befriended Taylor and in
year 9 Ezza decided to place a Jihad on Matthew, the likes of which had
never been seen before. Things such as hiding his bag

Sticking posters around school

and lots of other humiliation.
The Jihad continued until the end
of school.
Then College began.
Taylor humiliation reached new
heights with such things as

Spilling Coke all over his shirt

His shoes being constantly wet no
matter how sunny it is

Going into one of his 3 workplaces
and ripping him
And much much more.
Tune in, to find out more
information about Matty's Jihad and whether it will ever be over...only
time (and Ezza) will tell.